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Barbara Mills Similar Artists
Bob Relf
Rose Batiste
The Invitations
Bobby Paris
Bobby Sheen
Richard Temple
The Casualeers
Tobi Legend
Mel Britt
Dean Parrish
The Formations
J.J. Barnes
Tami Lynn
Yvonne Baker
The Carstairs
The Artistics
Lorraine Chandler
Chuck Wood
Alexander Patton
The Apollas
Joy Lovejoy
Billy Butler
Jimmy Radcliffe
Epitome of Sound
Laura Greene
Lou Ragland
Moses Smith
Tony Clarke
Cindy Scott
Larry Williams & Johnny Watson
Nolan Chance
The Fi-Dells
The Fascinations
Dana Valery
Willie Tee
The M.V.P.’s
The Velvet Satins
Dean Courtney
Homer Banks
Willie Kendrick
Billy Prophet
Doni Burdick
Adam’s Apples
Father’s Angels
Dena Barnes
Sandi Sheldon
The Precisions
Beverley Ann
Tony Middleton
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